Each student promotes at his/her own speed, depending on that individual student's ability and class attendance. Some students may achieve their 1st degree black belt in about 3 years; other students take longer, depending on their ability to attend class regularly and their dedication.
STUDENTS DO NOT ASK THEIR INSTRUCTOR WHEN THEY WILL TEST. The instructor will make that decision based upon the individual student's ability and attitude. No student will be sent for a promotion test unless the instructor is confident that the student is ready and will pass the examination.
Colored belt promotion tests are held in at our Chehalis dojang. Grand Master 8th degree Cheryl French officiates over our testing. We do not test our own students. This not only makes the test more meaningful, but also requires the students to perform before someone different than their every day instructor.
Black belt promotion tests are held four times a year. Those promoting to 5th degree or above must go to Portland for their promotion tests before Great Grandmasters Doug Tesdal and David Knife.
Belt Levels
All students begin as a 10th kup, white belt. The belt levels are:
White belt (10th kup); Yellow Stripe (9th kup); Yellow Belt (8th kup); Blue Stripe (7th kup);
Blue Belt (6th kup); Purple Stripe (5th kup); Burple Belt (4th kup); Brown Stripe (3rd kup);
Brown Belt (2nd kup); Black Stripe (1st kup). First degree black belt is 1st Dan.