Goals and Tenets of Taekwon-do
The Three Goals of Taekwon-do
Progress: To strive to become better every day. Making today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.
Peace: To become a more peaceful person towards yourself and others. Finding ways to resolve problems without violence.
Love: To treat everyone fairly. Showing respect and courtesy to everyone, even people you don't have much in common with.
The Five Tenets of Taekwon-do
Showing kindness, empathy, fairness, and politeness towards others. Examples include saying "please" and "thank you," responding when someone speaks to you, and offering a welcoming handshake to new students in class.
Being worthy of trust and knowing the difference between right and wrong then choosing to do what is right. Examples include admitting to your mistakes, making constructive choices even when no one is watching, and following through on commitments made in class or at home.
Striving to move forward even in difficult situations. Examples include setting a long-term goal and seeing it through, focusing on your accomplishments and completing unfinished projects, and working hard to move forward even in demanding circumstances.
Demonstrating discipline over your mind and body. Examples include walking away from threatening or confrontational situations, choosing to ignore negativity rather than to retaliate against it, and displaying your emotions appropriately.
Having a strong and unconquerable sense of self. Examples include staying true to your beliefs even against adversity, setting and achieving challenging goals, and looking for the positive rather that the negative in everything you do.